Submissions are now closed for 2025

Please check back to this page in summer 2025 when submissions open again. Also, be sure to follow our social media to find out when submissions open:
Facebook and Instagram

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Welcome to the Road to Revelree! We are excited that you are interested in submitting your band for a possible spot in the 2025 Revelree Music Festival lineup!

To submit your application, please fill in all of the fields below (* indicates required field), confirm that you have read the Official Rules by checking the box, and then click "Submit". That's it! The Revelree team will review every single submission and you will be notified either way - whether you have been selected for a spot in one of the four preliminary shows, or not.

We very much appreciate your interest in Revelree and we look forward to hearing your music!

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successfully received!

We appreciate your interest in Road to Revelree 2025 and you
will hear back from our team no later than January 3, 2025.

Thank you!
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Contact Us

Fill out the form to attend the most anticipated events in the city and get your tickets for the best night party today for you and your friends.

169 Water Street, New York, 11226 United States.
+1 212 425

Road to Revelree Partners

Thank you to our Road to Revelree partners for your support!

Arise Health logoArise Health logoThe Paak logo
Arise Health logoThe Paak logo

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successfully received!

We appreciate your interest in Road to Revelree 2024 and you
will hear back from our team no later than January 5, 2024.

Thank you!
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